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Get Out Of Debt

Affiliate Disclaimer

Hi Superstar.  It’s Paul Kindzia here (the big cheese on the website in case you wondered why the web domain is “”)

I believe in transparency on the internet and in life in general.  The truth shall set you free. Therefore, I am disclosing that I include certain products, services, links, and resources on this Site so that I will earn some cash for doing so.  When you earn revenue or money for promoting other services or products, those partners are called “affiliates” and those guys (the affiliates) pay money to help them promote what everybody believes is a good deal.

I hope to earn affiliate commissions on this Site for any purchases you make.  It’s not evil. It’s good business.  You see, the other companies win because they pick up new customers who are interested in their products or services.  You win because you value those products and services that you would have never knew existed had other people not shared that information with you.  I win because I connected everybody together.  Consider it a win-win-win situation.

My goal with this Site is to help educate you on the possibilities that exist to improve your life in certain key areas (like personal finance, your health, your relationships, time management and personal happiness.)  Please understand that I am doing this as a for-profit business (it’s not a charity dude even though I like helping others and spend tons of time working for free).

The Site continues to get bigger with time and as time continues to pass it becomes next to impossible to track and list each and every program, product, service, or resource that I have an affiliate agreement with.  Given this, I’d rather just you assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links that I will receive compensation from just to be safe.

With that said, I want you to know that I take personal pride in the services and information that I provide to you so that you could improve your life.  I don’t promote things that I don’t believe in.  I have zero problems with promoting, marketing and advertising for products, services, and companies that I believe in because they have added value in my own life.  I hope that if they added value to my life, they can do the same for your life.

Paul Kindzia, Inc. also intends to participate in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to  I love and probably buy too much stuff from them.  I don’t want to be a bad influence on your consumerism values but it’s safe to say that sometimes I think some stuff is worth buying.

Please also note that from time to time, companies send me free stuff to try out for myself. They hope I like the products or services so much that I will share my positive opinion on them with others.  Usually, if I don’t like it, I don’t bad mouth anybody.  My Mom always told me, “If you can’t say something nice, just keep your trap shut.”  That’s normally my policy unless something has me really fired up and I open up my big fat mouth to say stuff that is negative.

But be aware that I love free stuff and don’t have any problem accepting free stuff to try out myself.  Even right now I’m using a technique of persuasion to hypnotize others into sending me free stuff (as long as it’s good.  Don’t send me any crap because I’ll just throw it out after telling myself and maybe a few others, “This really sucks.”)  I’ll try and disclose that I received stuff for free to maintain a high level of transparency but it’s good to just assume that I receive free stuff.

In addition, if you are a business that wants to send me free stuff (I like Ford pickup up trucks Ford – hint hint!), please contact me and I’ll let you know where to deliver the goodies as if it was Christmas in July (or Hannukah in August – whatever…)

Later gator,
