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To all the crybabies, whiners, and sue-happy people out there.

Listen up!

Disclosures & Disclaimers

(Go and tell your attorney to chase an ambulance or something.)

Before we get started on the “Legal Mumbo-Jumbo” that is required by law, I wanted to say a few quick words.

First, there is no crying in baseball, unless you win the World Series and they are tears of joy. But moving beyond baseball, there is crying in life because things don’t go as planned.  You fail.  You get sick.  People actually do die and not like in the movies where they are just acting or faking it. You lose money.  You lose friends.  You lose jobs.  You get frustrated and depressed.  You don’t keep up with your neighbor (I’m not sure why you are trying – that guy is an idiot and a faker.) Your health declines.  You run out of time.  You can’t always figure out how to be happy.

That’s called life kiddo.  So harden up.  Stop whining.  Nobody likes a candy-ass.  So put your big-boy and big-girl underwear on and wipe away those tears.  You will persevere without blaming others for what happens to you.

I’m here to help.  I really am trying.  I do a lot of this stuff without getting paid for it.  It’s all just a way to make myself feel better by trying to help others figure out what I figured out for myself through a lot of hard work and time.

If you do get a hankering to sue somebody because you felt that you were wronged in life, go sue somebody else.  If you do pick a fight with me, pick a good one because I fight back and don’t roll over very easy.  I can be a stubborn person full of pride, ego, and personal conviction especially if I feel that I am “in the right.”  So if you and your cheese-ball attorney who is working on contingency fees feels that you are going to get an easy paycheck suing me for whatever bologna you can dream up, it’s probably not going to be a good fight to pick. There are much easier targets out there but you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to prey on the others who may be weak and are an easy mark.  Why don’t you add some value to others for a change like I tell you instead of just extracting out of society like a leech?

Now the legal mumbo-jumbo you have been anxiously awaiting for.  Enjoy!

By visiting this website and all associated media content associated with this website, you recognize that this is for education purposes and there are no guarantees for specific results whether they be financial, health, relationships or happiness related.  By law, we cannot guarantee your specific results on anything at all.  So you agree to not hold us liable for any results, good or bad, that you get from our informational and educational content.  You alone are responsible for your outcomes in life.

We do not believe in get rich quick schemes, quick weight loss diets, health fads, or any type of overnight success programs.  We believe in hard work, adding value, servicing others, processes, learning, adapting, and overcoming obstacles that stand in our way between where we are in life and what our goals are.

Please note that nothing within these pages, website, videos, or any content and curriculum is a promise or guarantee of specific individual results.  We cannot offer any legal, medical, tax, or investment advice on an individual case by case basis within this content.  Any financial numbers referenced are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average results, exact results, or promises for actual or future performance.

Paul Kindzia, Inc. is not a registered investment advisor and thus cannot give investment advice on an individual or case-by-case basis.

Making financial financial decisions based on any information presented should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience significant losses.  Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals when attempting any lifestyle change, business opportunity, or financial endeavor.  Check with your own accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on any information.

Please consult your doctor or healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise routine or partaking in physical activities of any kind.

This concludes with all of the regular mumbo-jumbo, disclosures, and disclaimers.  We look forward to serving you with the highest standard of integrity and transparency.  We value the trust that you put forth with us.

Paul Kindzia, Inc.